After enduring a five-year struggle with infertility, I was in total awe of my body when I finally got pregnant. Although I endured six months of morning sickness (which lasted all day long) once I got to the finish line and was well into my last trimester, I felt amazing. I was excited to prepare for my baby's grand arrival.
Of course, there were difficult stretches when I was physically uncomfortable and exhausted. I was also an emotional wreck, wondering how I would manage to have a brand new baby along with my adopted 12-month-old. But with each subsequent baby, I got wiser and learned to go with the flow.
The last month of pregnancy can be a special time for both you and your partner. It's also a terrific time to get your home and your emotional mindset in order. Here are eight smart tips to help you coast through the last weeks of pregnancy.
1. Embrace the power nap
Getting physically comfy during the last month of pregnancy is a challenge. Between your bulging belly, the need to frequently urinate, and the overall fatigue, it's not easy to cozy up in bed and grab a decent night's sleep. Every mom-to-be will navigate her sleep routine to the best of her ability.
Research shows that a 20- to 60-minute nap can not only boost your mood and revive your energy, but it can also improve your reaction time and reasoning skills.
Even if you're not catching eight sound hours of Z's during your last month of pregnancy, take advantage of other opportunities throughout your day to relax your body. I was (and still am) a big fan of power naps. Research shows that a 20- to 60-minute nap can not only boost your mood and revive your energy, but it can also improve your reaction time and reasoning skills.
Drift off for this small snippet of time and rest your weary pregnant body—power naps are great for moms-to-be. They'll also be a valuable tool once your baby arrives and you adjust to those newborn-induced sleepless nights. "Sleep when your baby sleeps" is advice every new mom should take to heart!
RELATED: 6 Ways to Cope With Newborn Exhaustion
Another smart option to get yourself into a peaceful state is practicing guided meditation. There are dozens of apps available. My daughter, now a new mom, and her friends love Expectful, an app created for pregnant women, new moms, and women just embarking on their fertility journeys....
Keep reading on Quick and Dirty Tips
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