Kamis, 23 Maret 2017

Chicago Updates: Stop Capitalizing 'Internet' and Hyphenating 'Email'

Chicago Manual of Style Updates 2017

Big style news often breaks at the annual American Copy Editors Society (ACES) meeting, and this year is no exception. Carol Fisher Saller, the editor of the Chicago Manual of Style's online Q&A and @SubvCopyEd on Twitter, gave a presentation this morning about updates that will appear in the 17th edition of Chicago that will come out in September, and she didn't waste any time getting to the good stuff:

Internet will be lowercase.

Email will lose the hyphen.

People in the room reported that attendees cheered the news:


The 17th edition will also have recommended citation styles for Facebook and Twitter and other types of social media posts. 

This article will be updated if Saller announces Chicago is striking whom from the lexicon or accepting the singular they.


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