Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

How to Get Hives to Stop Itching

How to Get Hives to Stop Itching

Ice for Hives

Chill the burning itch with a makeshift ice pack: Place some ice in a soft cloth and hold it against your hives, gently caressing the irritated skin. The cold compress will interfere with that itchy sensation and offer welcome (if temporary) relief.

Reusable (R)ice Pack

Rather than use up all the ice in your freezer, make a “rice pack” that you can use again and again with no mess and less waste! Pour uncooked rice into a sock, sew the opening closed, then pop it in the freezer for a couple hours. Press the cold pack on your rash to cool the burn and alleviate the itch. No more dripping, melting ice—same relief!

A Bath Can Help

If the hives are widespread on your body, take a soothing, warm bath (make sure the water is not hot!). Prepare a bath with one third of a cup of baking soda or uncooked ground oatmeal to calm and comfort your enflamed skin.

DIY Hives Ointment

For quick and inexpensive relief, simply add water to some baking soda until it forms a paste, then apply the paste over the affected skin. Baking soda is an alkaline that offsets the acidity of substances that might be causing the irritation.

Head to the Baby’s Room

Commonly used for diaper rashes, Desitin works wonders on skin irritations such as hives, burns, and scratches. The cream contains a mild astringent called zinc oxide, which heals and calms skin inflammation.

Antacid Rash Relief

Yup, you read that right! Liquid antacids like Pepto-Bismol and Maalox are fantastic itch-stoppers if you have hives. Their alkaline properties are intended to neutralize acids in the stomach, and they also soothe inflammation on the skin. Moisten a cotton ball or cloth with the antacid and pat on the rash.

Surprising Hives Reliever

Head to the kitchen! Most often needed in baking, cream of tartar is an acid salt also used for homemade cleaning solutions and, yes, for skin rashes! Despite its name, cream of tartar is not actually a cream but rather a powder, and you’ll need to combine it with water to create a paste-like texture for use on your skin. Blot on the affected area using a clean cloth or cotton ball.

See also: 9 Ways to Get Rid of Foot Calluses and Corns Naturally

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Image courtesy of Shutterstock.

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