Polish Chrome
Need a chrome polish? It’s as simple as vinegar. Apply directly on chrome with a rag for a quick, simple shine.
Get Rid of Window Decals
Transparent decals may be easily removed using a solution of equal parts lukewarm water and white vinegar. Place the solution on a sponge and dampen the area thoroughly for a few minutes. If this doesn’t work, saturate the decal with straight vinegar and let stand for 15 minutes.
Easily Remove Bird Droppings
If you come out to your car in the morning and it’s covered in bird poop, head back inside for some vinegar. Pour or spray the vinegar directly on the spot and wait 5–10 minutes, then it should wipe away easily with your windshield fluid and wipers.
Get Rid of Windshield Streaks
Streaks on your windshield are often causes by dirty wipers. If you don’t have any alcohol on hand to clean your windshield wipers, use white vinegar instead.
Keep Ice from Forming on Windshields
If you have to leave your car outside overnight in the winter, you can still keep your windshields ice- and frost-free. Mix three parts vinegar to one part water and coat the windows with this solution. (Never pour hot water on your windshield. The glass may expand from the heat and then contract as it cools, causing the windshield to crack.)
Get Rid of Salt Residue
Are white salt stains covering the carpet of your car in the winter? Remove them by spraying or dabbing white vinegar on, then wiping with a wet cloth.
Remove Smells from Hands
Even though we debunked removing smells from hands with stainless steel in our Lifehacks that Don’t Work podcast, one thing we found that did work was simply washing your hands with vinegar after dealing with stinky foods like garlic.
Get Smells Out of Food Storage Containers and Ice Cube Trays
If your plastic food storage container is starting to smell funky, just let some white vinegar sit in it for 30 minutes, then wash as usual. The smell will be gone! This also works for ice cube trays.
Use as a Buttermilk Substitute
Next time you need buttermilk in a recipe, don’t go buy a whole carton that you’ll later throw away half-full. Instead, make an easy buttermilk substitute by adding a tablespoon of vinegar to a cup of milk and letting it stand for five minutes to thicken.
Test Baking Soda for Effectiveness
If you’re not sure how old your baking soda is, test its activity level. Stir 1/4 teaspoon baking soda into about 2 teaspoons of white vinegar. If it doesn’t bubble vigorously, throw it out.
Keep Icing Creamy
To keep icing from hardening, just add a very small amount of white vinegar after it is whipped.
Make Flaky Pie Crust
Want to know the secret to a flaky pie crust? Vinegar, of course! Add a teaspoon of vinegar to the water while you’re making the pie, and the crusts will be flaky and airy.
Make Meringue Fluffier
When making a meringue, add 1/4 teaspoon white vinegar for every three egg whites and watch it really fluff up.
Use for Firmer Gelatin
If you’ve ever had a Jell-O salad melt at a picnic, you’ll love this tip. When you add the water to any gelatin recipe in hot summer months, mix in a teaspoon of white vinegar to keep salads and desserts firm.
**Clean Pesticides off Produce
Bathe your fruit and veggies in a bowl of cold water with several spoonfuls of vinegar added. It will wash off dirt as well as any dangerous pesticides that were sprayed on the produce in the field.
Keep Hard-Boiled Eggs from Cracking
Humpty Dumpty probably wish he knew this trick! To keep eggs from cracking while you’re boiling them, add a teaspoon of salt to the water. It will keep them from cracking while they’re in the pot.
Make Poaching Eggs Easier
Vinegar is also great for keeping poached eggs from getting too runny.
Keep Cheese Fresher
To keep cheese fresh and moist, wrap it in a cloth dampened in white vinegar and put it in an airtight container.
Make Sour Cream Last Longer
To help sour cream last longer, add white vinegar right after you open it (1 teaspoon for a small container and 2 tablespoons for a large container). You won’t notice the taste, and the sour cream won’t go bad as quickly.
Refill Jars of Pickled Foods
If you eat pickled foods like pimientos or jalapenos, make sure to cover them in vinegar before storing them in the fridge. They’ll last much longer!
Remove Stickers from Fruit
Have a pesky label on a piece of fruit that won’t come off? Just rub some vinegar on it and it will peel right off.
Make an Easy Marinade
Vinegar helps tenderize the tough protein fibers in meats, so using it in marinades and braising liquids makes your dishes even more succulent. Simply add some garlic and your favorite spices to balsamic or wine vinegar and you’ve got a marvelous marinade! Or, add some vinegar and a bit of cooking oil to empty jars of tomato sauce, ketchup, salsa, or chutney. Shake and the bits of yumminess left on the side of the bottle will combine with the oil and vinegar to make a quick marinade (add more spices as desired).
Make Pasta and Rice Less Starchy
Preparing pasta? If you put a few drops of vinegar into the water as it boils, the starch will be reduced, making the pasta less sticky. This also works with rice: for every cup of uncooked rice, add a splash of vinegar.
Get Rid of a Fishy Smell
After frying fish, put a little white vinegar into the frying pan to help get rid of the odor on the surface.
Solve Stinky Tuna Salad
Canned tuna or salmon can be great for a healthy lunch. However, if the strong fishy smell bothers you, try sprinkling it with a little white vinegar before emptying it out of the can. After five minutes or so, it should smell (and taste) better!
Help for Removing Fish Scales
If you’re gutsy enough to scale your own fish, make it easier by rubbing the flesh with vinegar five minutes before scaling.
Get Whiter Cauliflower
When boiling cauliflower, add a tablespoon of white vinegar or lemon juice to the water to preserve the white color.
Get Rid of that “Burned Dinner” Smell
If you’ve burned dinner, welcome to the club. To get rid of the smoky scent (or any other strong kitchen odor), simply boil a cup of vinegar in 2 cups water. In 15 minutes, the smell should be gone. Or just dampen a cloth with a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. Drape it over the cooking pot, taking care that the edges are far from the flame or intense heat.
Keep Melons from Getting Moldy
You can keep melons from getting moldy by rubbing vinegar on their outsides every few days.
Prevent Peeled Potatoes from Turning Brown
You’ve managed to talk your kids into helping you with tonight’s scalloped potatoes, but now the potatoes are peeled long before you need them! To keep peeled potatoes from discoloring, place them in a bowl of cold water with a few drops of white vinegar, then refrigerate. Drain before cooking and add a small amount of sugar to the cooking water to revive some of the lost flavor. (Apologies for the unpeeled potatoes in the photo; don't get your kid to take pictures for you!)
Make Great Gravy
Add a tasty punch to your standard gravy with apple cider vinegar—its fruity-tangy flavor will give your meal a bold, delicious boost (it’s especially good with turkey!). Just add a capful of two to your gravy right at the end of cooking.
Soothe Stings
If you’re stung by a wasp, hornet, bee, or even a jellyfish, reach for some vinegar. Make sure the stinger is gone, and quickly rub the area with a cotton ball damped with vinegar. It will neutralize the venom.
Get Rid of Varicose Veins
Apple cider vinegar is an astringent that can constrict your swollen veins and ease soreness and discomfort in the legs. Store a bottle in the refrigerator to chill. When you’re ready, soak a small towel in the cold vinegar and place on your leg as a compress. After several weeks of regular use, you should see a decrease in the veins.
Ease the Itch of Poison Ivy
Try this cooling compress for a burning, itchy poison ivy rash: Combine 1/3 cup vinegar and 1 cup water and pop it in the fridge. For a quick cool down, soak a soft cloth or small towel in the solution and hold it against the skin.
Make a Bruise Fade
White vinegar can help heal bruises. Soak a cotton ball in vinegar, then apply it to the bruise overnight with some medical tape or a Band-Aid. It will reduce the blueness of the bruise and speed up the healing process.
Ease the Itchiness of Psoriasis
Nix that frustrating itch with a cold bath plus a cup of apple cider vinegar. Vinegars have been used throughout history to soothe skin inflammation thanks to their disinfectant and pH-balancing properties, so this is a time-tested remedy. Talk to your doctor first to ensure that using apple cider vinegar is advisable for your particular case of psoriasis—then take a good soak!
Help Sunburned Skin
You had a great day on the beach, but now your back is burned to a crisp. Luckily, vinegar is one of the many natural remedies for sunburn.
Ease Razor Burn
Suffering from razor burn? Dip a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and dab it gently on the area to both keep it from itchy and prevent it from getting worse.
Treat a Rash
If you have a rash and you don’t know where it came from (but your doctor says it isn’t serious), vinegar can help. To treat the rash, dilute 1 tablespoon white vinegar with 1 cup water. Saturate a washcloth or small towel in the solution and press against your rash to calm the itch. Or, add a cup of vinegar to a warm bath and soak in the tub.
Add to Your Lotion
Looking for that otherworldly glow? Some women swear by adding a couple of drops of apple cider vinegar to their lotion each time they use it.
Get Rid of Corns
To get rid of corns, soak a Band-Aid in apple cider vinegar, and apply it to the corn for a day or two. You can also try soaking your feet in a shallow pan of warm water with half a cup of vinegar. Either way, finish by rubbing the corn with a clean pumice stone.
Hair and Beauty
Make a DIY Toner
Vinegar is great for tightening your pores. To help clear out clogged pores and prevent pimples, dab some apple cider vinegar directly on your face and let dry before moisturizing. It will help keep your skin clean and less oily.
Use as a Deodorant Substitute
Oops, you just ran out of deodorant! Because it kills germs and helps prevent sweating, you can use apple cider vinegar as a substitute for deodorant or antiperspirant. Saturate a cotton ball with vinegar and apply it to your clean pits. Not only does it kill lingering odor-causing germs, but the acid also raises the pH of your skin, so that you won’t stink later.
Make Manicures Last Longer
Soak your nails in vinegar for 1 minute (then dry) before applying nail polish. It will help the base coat cling better and strengthen your nails.
Prevent Dandruff
Apple cider vinegar helps regulate the acid level on your scalp and clear out dry skin flakes. You can simply mix it with water, or use this wonderful-smelling DIY apple cider vinegar–peppermint dandruff treatment we love.
Keep a Dye Job Fresh
To preserve that great dye job you just got at the salon, rinse your hair regularly before you wash it with white vinegar, to seal the hair cuticle.
Get Rid of Greasy Hair
Pre-washing your hair with apple cider vinegar is a great way to make it less oily and cut down on greasiness.
Shampoo Less Often
Here’s a great trick for those of us with oily hair who want to extend the time between shampoos. Spray freshly shampooed hair with a mixture of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Comb it through the hair, and wait a few minutes before rinsing it out and styling as usual. The acid in the vinegar helps keep oily hair cleaner longer!
Prevent Blonde Hair from Turning Green in a Pool
If you have blonde hair, you know that sometimes a lot of swimming can cause your hair to turn green! Use apple cider vinegar before swimming to prevent your hair from changing color in the pool.
Prevent Hair Loss
Losing your hair? Some people claim apple cider vinegar can even keep your hair from thinning.
Stop Coughing
There’s nothing worse than a cough that keeps you awake at night. As soon as your head touches the pillow, it seems to start up like clockwork! Before heading off to bed, get a glass of water and add 1½ teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, set it on your night table, and sip as needed throughout the night. It will tame the tickle, so you can get a good night’s sleep.
Fight a Fever
You may not like the sound (or smell) of this remedy, but it works. Soak a paper towel or clean cloth in vinegar, and apply it to your forehead. It will cool the skin, increasing evaporation, and lowering your body temperature.
Stop a Cold Before It Starts
As far back as the fourth and fifth centuries B.C., Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, advocated a mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar for many ailments, including a cold. To try it, mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of honey, and a cup of hot water (some people add lemon as well). Drink at the first sign of a cold to stop symptoms in their tracks. Many still swear by this remedy that had its origins in ancient Greece!
Ease the Itch of Shingles
Apple cider vinegar is one of the most useful home remedies around. It’s a natural antiseptic that can clean those shingles sores and speed up the scabbing process. Honey makes the perfect pairing with the vinegar, as it thickens the solution and takes some of the sting out of the vinegar. Here’s how to make a natural healing paste at home: Mix ½ cup of warm honey with 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply it to sores (avoiding any that are open and/or oozing) with a soft cloth and let it sit for just a few minutes. It may sting a little as it disinfects. Rinse off with lukewarm water and repeat as often as you like.
Prevent Swimmer’s Ear
If your children are prone to swimmer’s ear, a bacterial infection of the ear canal, take this precaution when they’ve been in the pool: Dab a solution of one part vinegar and five parts warm water into each ear three times a day. The vinegar will ward off bacteria and keep your kids’ ears pain-free.
Get Rid of Heartburn
Acid reflux results when your body makes too much or too little HCl, the acid that breaks down food in your stomach. When you experience heartburn, do a little test by drinking a tablespoon of pure apple cider vinegar. If it alleviates the symptoms, this means your body isn’t producing enough HCl, and you’ll benefit from sipping pure apple cider vinegar mixed with water as you eat. Just mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into an 8-ounce glass of water and begin drinking it 10–30 minutes before eating a meal. (If the test makes the symptoms worse, this means your body is producing too much HCl. Try drinking up to three teaspoons of baking soda daily, mixed with water in increments of 1/4–1/2 teaspoon per glass.)
Help A Yeast Infection
Because it's acidic, adding apple cider vinegar to a warm bath (or even drinking it) has been said to help yeast infections. Ask your doctor before trying!
Ease Stomachaches and Cramps
Warm some apple cider vinegar in the microwave or on the stovetop, then place a washcloth or small towel in the vinegar to soak it up. Wring out excess liquid, and press it against your achy stomach. It will help ease the pain.
Help Aching Joints
This remedy is great for aching joints. Soak a cloth in a mixture of hot water and vinegar, then place the cloth right on the affected joint. Vinegar is known to ease aches, and the hot water will increase blood flow.
Fight Tendonitis
Apple cider vinegar is ripe with mysterious healing properties. Drop 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of room temperature water and you have a daily tonic that is successful in alleviating the persistent ache of tendonitis. Another way to use vinegar is to mix it with hot water (use equal parts of each) and apply it to the sore areas. Don’t use this healing method if you suffer from osteoporosis or have low potassium.
Get Rid of a Cold Sore
Dab a little vinegar on a cold sore several times a day for relief. The vinegar works as an antiseptics to keep it from hurting and help it heal faster.
Stop a Nosebleed
White vinegar can help stop a nosebleed. Just dampen a cotton ball and plug the nostril. The acetic acid in the vinegar cauterizes the wound. Who knew?
Help Hemorrhoids
Help soothe the pain and irritation of hemorrhoids. Dab some apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball or cloth compress, then apply to the irritated external areas.
Get Rid of Gout
Apple cider vinegar is thought to help gout pain and to prevent attacks. Try taking a tablespoon in the morning and evening. If you don’t like the taste of it straight, simply dilute it by mixing it into a glass of water. You can even add a little honey to sweeten it up.
Eliminate Athlete’s Foot
Have a case of athlete’s foot? Soak a paper towel in vinegar and apply to the area each night for 10 minutes, or pour the vinegar it into a bucket and soak your feet in that.
Get Rid of Yellow or Green Nails
If you have an unsightly nail fungus that makes you want to hide your hands or feet from view, you’ll love this tip. Soak your nails in a mixture of 1 cup vinegar and 2 cups warm water every day for 15 minutes. The acid in the vinegar will attack the fungus, leaving you with lovelier nails. Continue the treatment every few weeks to prevent yellow nails in the future.
Use as a Substitute for Mouthwash
Out of mouthwash? Just use vinegar instead (try apple cider for something less potent!). Its antiseptic properties will kill germs until you can switch back to the minty stuff.
Clean Dentures
Here’s an effective method for cleaning dentures that works just as well as the expensive tablets: Soak them overnight in a solution of 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water. The acidity of the vinegar fights tartar buildup and removes stains.
Cleaning Around the House
Use as a Floor Cleaner
For mopping vinyl floors, use 1/2 cup white vinegar added to 1 gallon warm water. It’s cheap, effective, and completely nontoxic.
Clean Ceramic
To keep ceramic figurines, fixtures, and tile sparkling, wipe it regularly with a sponge damped with water and a splash of vinegar.
Make a DIY Orange Cleaner
Make a homemade orange cleaner good for cleaning just about anything for a fraction of the price with orange peels and vinegar. It smells wonderful!
Make a Plastics Cleaner
There aren’t many cleaners designed especially for plastics, but it’s easy to make your own. Simply mix a quart of water with 3 tablespoons white vinegar. Pour it in a spray bottle, and you’ve got some plastic cleaner.
Clean Your Computer Keyboard
Instead of using alcohol to clean your computer keyboard, you can use vinegar instead. Add to a clean cloth and wipe over the keys to clean and keep away germs.
Make White Cabinets Shine
If your white cabinets are streaky from commercial cleaners, remove the buildup with a solution of half warm water, half white vinegar.
Clean a Ceiling Fan
One of our favorite dusting tricks: To easily clean a ceiling fan, spray glass cleaner or a mixture of half vinegar and half water on the inside of a pillowcase. Put the pillowcase over one arm of the fan, then pull it off while applying gentle pressure toward the floor. The pillowcase will wipe the top of the blade clean.
Get Pen Marks Off Walls
Your kid just drew a fantastic picture—unfortunately, it was on your living room wall. Get if off with some vinegar. Just rub on with a rag or paper towel and the pen marks will come right off.
Clean Windows
The best way we’ve ever found to clean windows? Wet a clean microfiber with vinegar, then wipe on your windows for a streak-free shine. If you don’t have microfiber, use a brown paper bag or coffee filter, which won’t leave pieces of lint or paper behind.
Clean Blinds
Especially if they’re super dirty, white vinegar makes a great DIY cleaner for blinds.
Get Rid of Furniture Polish Buildup
Excess polish can build up and leave a dull finish on wooden furniture. To remove it, mix together 2 tablespoons white vinegar and 2 tablespoons water. Apply to the surface and wipe off at once.
Shine Chrome
If you have chrome that needs cleaning, you can clean it with vinegar. Just wipe on with a damp cloth to have it shining!
Get Rid of Coffee Stains
Get rid of coffee stains with one of our favorite household helpers—vinegar, of course! Blot the stain with a solution of one part vinegar and one part water, then let sit for 10 minutes. If it’s a tablecloth or piece of clothing, wash in the washing machine as usual. If it’s carpet, then dab with a clean paper towel and repeat with the vinegar mixture until the stain is lifted.
Neutralize Pee Stains
If your pet (or kid) accidentally peed on a couch or rug and it still smells like urine after you’ve cleaned it, try deodorizing the spot with vinegar, which will neutralize the pH. Dab some on the area, leave it for five minutes, then blot and allow to dry.
Clean Your Iron
If only because they have the word “cleaner” in their name, we’re always looking for ways to use pipe cleaners that don’t involve crafts! Here’s a good one: to clean the holes in your iron, dip a pipe cleaner in white vinegar and poke into each hole. Vinegar can also help remove wrinkles and clean the inside of your iron—in fact we called vinegar “your iron’s best friend” in our post on making ironing easier.
Clean Collectable Coins
If you collect coins, you’ll love this trick for keeping them looking shiny and new. In a small bowl, mix together ¼ cup white vinegar with 1½ teaspoons salt. Place your coins into the mixture, wait a few minutes, then drain and dry them. Buff with a dry cloth and a little bit of oil. They’ll look as good as the day they were minted!
Make Flower Vases Clear Again
Don’t put a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a cloudy vase! To make it shine like new, just pour a little white vinegar and uncooked rice inside, swish it around, and watch the clouds disappear.
Refresh a Funky Litterbox
Vinegar can help get a smelly litterbox halfway decent again.
Revitalize Curtains and Shower Curtains
If your cloth shower curtain has seen better days, wash it according to the care label, but add a cup of vinegar to the water to make it look like new. Remove as soon as the cycle is complete and hang back in position to drip-dry without any creases or wrinkles.
Freshen Fabrics
You can use apple cider or white vinegar as a substitute for fabric freshener like Febreeze! Fill a spray bottle with 1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water and shake. Then spray on clothes, upholstery, and other fabric to neutralize odors and make them smell cleaner. (It will smell like vinegar until it dries.)
Get Blankets Fluffier
Before using your woolen or cotton blankets when the weather turns cold, wash them in the gentle cycle with 2½ cups white vinegar. It will leave them fluffy and soft as new.
Use Instead of Fabric Softener
Never buy fabric softener again! Instead, simply use apple cider vinegar. Use the same proportions as you would for a liquid fabric softener—you’ll never notice the difference.
Lock in Fabric Dyes
Have some dark colors in the wash? Add 1/2 cup vinegar to each wash, which will help lock in colors and prevent bleeding.
Keep Cloth Diapers from Staining
If you use cloth diapers, soak them before you wash them in a mixture of 1 cup white vinegar for every 9 quarts water. It will balance out the pH, neutralizing urine and keeping the diapers from staining. Vinegar is also said to help prevent diaper rash.
***Remove Berry Stains
To remove berry stains, soak the stain overnight in equal parts milk and white vinegar. Then launder as usual.
Get Rid of a Smoke Smell on Clothes
If your clothes smell like cigarette smoke (we’ll save the judgment), you can remove the smell from your clothes by filling your bathtub with hot water and adding 1 cup white vinegar. Then just hang the clothes above the steaming water, and the smoke smell will dissipate in about a half hour.
Clean Suede
Got a spot on suede? Vinegar to the rescue! Simply dip an old toothbrush in white vinegar and gently brush over the grease.
Get Rid of Winter Salt Stains on Shoes
If your shoes or boots are stained with salt from trudging through winter streets, simply dip a cloth or an old T-shirt into white vinegar and wipe away the stain. It’s that easy!
Cleaning the Bathroom
Clean Bathroom Fixtures
To get the cleanest bathroom fixtures you’ve ever seen, apply a paste of vinegar and baking soda to faucets, knobs, and towel bars. Lay old towels or rags on top and wait one hour, then buff off. Rinse the fixtures and then let them dry, and you’ll have sparkling fixtures without a hint of water marks.
Make a Daily Shower Spray
Stay on top of mold and mildew by keeping this daily shower spray within easy reach of all family members. Mix one part vinegar with 10 parts water in an empty spray bottle and you’re ready to go. Bonus: You don’t have to worry about a toxic cleaner hitting the baby’s bath toys.
Fix a Clogged Showerhead
It’s easy to remove mineral deposits from a showerhead without using harsh chemicals. Just unscrew it and submerge in white vinegar overnight, and the clogs will disappear. It you can’t unscrew it, fill a small, sturdy bag with vinegar and attach to the showerhead with duct tape, or use an old toothbrush and vinegar. To clean the screen in your showerhead, wash it with water mixed with a dash of dishwashing liquid
Make Your Shower Curtain Mildew-Resistant
Make your plastic shower curtain more resistant to mildew by soaking it in a bucket of water with a cup of white vinegar added overnight before handing.
Keep Mildew Off Your Shower Caddy
If you use a shower caddy, you can use vinegar to prevent mildew on it, as well! We recently featured it in our dorm hacks for college kids.
Remove Hard Water Stains
If your shower door is marked with hard-to-remove deposits, just them with a cloth dipped in warm vinegar, and rinse well.
Get Mirrors Sparkling
Make your mirrors shine with a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water. Is there anything it can’t do?
Clean Your Toilet
To remove hard-water deposits in your toilet bowl, pour 1 cup white vinegar into the bowl and allow it to sit for several hours or overnight before scrubbing.
Prevent Mildew on the Underside of Your Rug
Is the bottom of your bathroom rug prone to mildew? Put some white vinegar in a bottle and use it to spray down the bottom of your rug. Let dry before putting in place. The vinegar will make the rug more resistant to mildew.
Cleaning the Kitchen
Clean Counters
For a quick and easy vinegar cleaner that’s good for counters and other surfaces, just mix half water and half white vinegar in a spray bottle and shake before using!
Make Appliances Gleam
Vinegar can help remove streaks on black and stainless steel appliances. After cleaning them with warm, sudsy water and a sponge, rub them with a rag dampened with straight white vinegar. The vinegar will remove soap residue and make your appliances shine.
Clean Your Microwave
To clean your microwave oven, dampen several paper towels in a mixture of half water/half white vinegar, then stick them in the microwave and heat on high for 2 minutes. (Keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t dry out.) The steam will help release the built-up dirt. Once the towels cool, you can use them to easily wipe down the interior.
Freshen Up the Garbage Disposal
Keep your garbage disposal running properly and odor-free with this simple once-a-month trick: Fill an ice-cube tray with white vinegar, and when frozen, grind about a dozen cubes. The ice sharpens the blades while the vinegar deodorizes the drain.
Make Oven Cleaning Safer
To help reduce fumes after you’ve used a powerful oven cleaner, wipe down the inside of the oven with white vinegar. It will remove any remaining residue and help to neutralize the cleaner. Your lungs will thank you.
Clean Your Ice Dispenser
It’s so convenient to have a refrigerator with built-in ice and water dispensers, but you may have noticed how gross the dispenser tray can look after a while. That whitish, mineral build-up seems impossible to wash off with soapy water, but vinegar will do the trick. Soak the tray in straight vinegar for a few minutes, then scrub the stains with an old toothbrush. Rinse with warm water, and your dispenser will look like new again!
Make a DIY Foaming Stove Cleaner
Forget about buying those expensive stove cleaners to get rid of cooked-on grease stains. Just wet the stains with vinegar and cover with baking soda. After watching the fun, foaming reaction, wipe with a damp sponge and buff with a dry, clean cloth.
Doing the Dishes
Make Your Dish Soap More Powerful
Did you know that the acetic acid in vinegar dramatically increases the cleaning power of soap? Boost your dishwashing liquid’s effectiveness by adding a couple of teaspoons white vinegar to the bottle (agitate gently to combine). You’ll need less to get your dishes clean, saving you money!
Clean a Mucky Basting Brush
You’ve washed and washed your basting brush, and yet it still seems sticky. Soak it in a cup of straight vinegar for a few hours to help dissolve the greasy buildup, then wash as usual. It will be as good as new!
Deodorize Your Cutting Board
Do you have a cutting board that has a lingering odor that just won’t quit? Remove the smell by rubbing the board with white vinegar.
Fix Cloudy Glasses
If your glasses are beginning to develop a fine film because of too many trips through the dishwasher, soak them in a bath of warm vinegar for an hour. They’ll emerge sparkling clean.
Clean Knives
We used to throw knives in the dishwasher with everything else. Problem is, this dulls the blades, and “gunk” (scientific word for stuck-on food left from chopping onions, raw meat, and tomatoes) would still be on the sides. Luckily, there’s a neat trick for cleaning knives without dulling their edges—a cork dipped in vinegar. Simply dip one in vinegar and use it to rub off the gunk, then wash by hand with a soft cloth. No scrubbing necessary!
Use as a “Drying Agent”
If your dishwasher has a spout for a “drying agent” don’t spend money on and expensive store-bought one like Jet-Dry. Instead, just use straight white vinegar. It does the same thing!
Get the Smell Out of Your Dishwasher
Give your dishwasher a deep-clean by letting vinegar steam inside.
Remove Spots on Stainless Steel
You’ve scrubbed it twice, but you can’t seem to get those water spots out of your stainless steel silverware! The solution? A little white vinegar. Just rub into the spots and they’ll disappear.
Gardening and Yard
Kill Weeds
Pour white vinegar directly on weeds in cracks on your sidewalk and elsewhere and they’ll die out in a couple of days. No pulling or tugging necessary!
Increase Soil Acidity
If you live in a hard water area, add 1 cup vinegar to 1 gallon water, then use it to water plants that love acidic soil, such as rhododendrons, heather, and azaleas. The vinegar will release iron in the soil for the plants to use, and it will keep their leaves nice and green.
Repel Snakes
Snakes can absorb liquids through their skin, and won’t slither over the vinegar. Pour some around the perimeter of your deck to keep snakes away.
Keep Rabbits Away
Are rabbits overrunning your garden? Keep them away with the help of some vinegar. First poke a few holes in a pill bottle, then soak 3–4 cotton balls with vinegar and place them inside. Bury them just under the soil and the smell will keep rabbits away.
Neutralize Garden Lime
To avoid rough and flaky skin after working with garden lime, rinse your hands liberally with vinegar.
Use as Flower Food
A mixture of white or apple cider vinegar and sugar is the perfect DIY flower flood for cut flowers.
Make Flower Pots Like New
Remove the stains in clay and plastic flowerpots with vinegar. Just fill the kitchen sink with two-thirds water and one-third vinegar, and soak the pots. In an hour, they’ll be good as new! Make sure to wash with soap and water before re-using.
Keep Wasps from Building a Nest
If there’s a spot in your yard that wasps keep coming back to each spring, keep them from building their nest there by spraying the area with vinegar.
Get Rid of Brown Lawn Spots from Dog Pee
Is your dog leaving brown spots on your lawn where he decides to pee? Put a few drops of vinegar into his water bowl every time you refill it and brown spots won’t appear on your lawn anymore.
Make Tiki Torches Burn Longer
If you have a propane lantern or tiki torch, soak the wick in vinegar for several hours before you use it. This will prolong the life of your wick, helping you get more for your money.
Remove Deck Stains
If your deck is covered with mildew, try spraying the wood with straight vinegar. Leave it for an hour or so, then rinse off. The acid in the vinegar kills mold and mildew, and will help get your deck clean.
Clean Wicker Furniture
Make sure your wicker furniture is front-porch ready for the spring and summer months. Vacuum off or wipe away any loose dirt, then clean with a mixture of half warm water, half white vinegar. Apply a coat of lemon oil afterwards of desired.
Keep Mildew off Patio Furniture
Here’s an easy way to make sure your patio furniture always looks fresh and new. Spray patio and lawn furniture with vinegar to keep it from growing mildew. Let it sit for a few hours before wiping down with a damp cloth. The vinegar spray will also work to get rid of any mold or bacteria that’s already taken up residence.
Keep Ants Away from Your Food
Spray food surfaces, such as outdoor tables, with white vinegar before you lay out the food. The vinegar acts as an odor neutralizer, and ants won’t come near your food because they can’t smell it!
Repel Flying Bugs Around Your Pool
Nobody likes flies buzzing around them while they’re swimming. Spray straight white vinegar around the perimeter of your pool to keep flies and other bugs away from you while you’re taking a dip.
Keep Dogs from Peeing on Your Driveway
If all the dogs in the neighborhood seem to think your driveway is the perfect place to pee, neutralize the odor that is driving them to mark their territory there and clean off the stains at the same time with a vinegar and baking soda solution.
Other Uses
Use as an Air Freshener
Vinegar is so perfect for neutralizing odors and cutting back on dust, we like to keep a little in a small jar near heating vents. Our favorite Who Knew? hero will leave your room smelling cleaner than it ever did with an air freshener. Just make sure to replace it once a week.
Get Rid of Foot Odor
Did you know that vinegar can neutralize foot odors? Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to a basin or bucket of warm water and soak those feet for about 15 minutes to eliminate smelly feet.
Get Rid of Stains on a White Dog’s Fur
If your dog has black or dark stains from runny eyes, you can usually clean discolored fur with white vinegar. Rub a little vinegar into the fur with your fingers to remove the spots. Let sit if necessary, then rinse out with water.
Remove Labels
If you’re having trouble peeling off a label or sticker without leaving a gooey mess behind, trying applying white vinegar until it’s saturated. It will come right off!
Get Paint Off Glass
Accidentally paint the edge of your windowpane while doing some remodeling? Hot vinegar can be used to remove paint from glass. Just microwave a cup of vinegar until hot (about 1–2 minutes), then dip a cloth in it and wipe the offending paint away.
Revitalize Paintbrushes
There’s no need to throw out old paintbrushes. If your paintbrush is old and crunchy, soften the bristles by warming some vinegar in the microwave and then soaking the brush in it for 20 minutes. Run a comb through the bristles to separate them, then rinse with warm water. It will be close to brand new again!
Remove Wallpaper More Easily
If you’re redoing a room, make wallpaper easier to remove by first spraying it liberally with a mixture of half water/half vinegar. It will soak through the wallpaper and loosen the wallpaper paste, making it easier to remove.
Remove Rust
To remove rust from nuts, bolts, screws, nails, hinges, or any other object, place them in a container and cover with vinegar. Seal the container, shake it, and let it stand overnight. Dry the objects to prevent corrosion.
Freshen a Funky Lunchbox
Kid’s lunchbox starting to smell funky? Freshen it up with bread and vinegar! Just moisten a slice of bread with white vinegar and let it sit in the closed lunchbox overnight. In the morning, any bad odors should be gone.
Get Your Drain Running Again
Most people know the old science fair project of mixing vinegar and baking soda to cause a chemical reaction worthy of a model volcano, but not many know that this powerful combination is also a great drain cleaner. Baking soda and vinegar break down fatty acids from grease, food, and soap build-up into simpler substances that can be more easily flushed down the drain. Here’s how to do it: Pour 2 ounces baking soda and 5 ounces vinegar into your drain. Cover with a towel or dishrag while the solution fizzes. Wait 5–10 minutes, then flush the drain with very hot water. Repeat until your drain is clear.
Repel Mice
Make your home a less attractive place for mice by placing cotton balls soaked with white vinegar wherever you see the little critters: under cabinets, in closets, in corners, and so on. Mice find the smell of vinegar unappealing and will avoid it. Be sure to change the cotton balls frequently so that the vinegar smell remains fresh.
Get Rid of Fruit Flies and Gnats
Have a fruit fly problem in your home? Our favorite way to get rid of fruit flies or gnats overnight is with this DIY trap using vinegar. Add two drops of dishwashing liquid to a bowl of apple cider vinegar and leave it where you see flies. The smell of the vinegar attracts the flies, while the dish soap breaks the surface tension of the vinegar and the flying buggers drown!
Dye Easter Eggs
Never, ever pay for egg dye! Simply mix ½ cup boiling water with ½ teaspoon white vinegar, and add food coloring until you get a hue you like. For a striped egg even the Easter Bunny would be proud of, wrap tape around the egg before dipping. Once the egg dries, remove the tape, tape over the colored parts, and dip again in a different color. You can also use stickers in the shapes of hearts, stars, and letters.
Do you have a use for vinegar we missed? We're shocked! Leave it in a comment below, and come join our Clever 2nd Uses group board on Pinterest (or just check it out for uncommon uses for household items). And don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Instagram!
Images courtesy of Shutte rstock.
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